Links That Are Worth Checking Out

The W.A.S.P. Inter-Nest

Coming soon: the official web page from Castle Records U.S. to promote the release of Kill Fuck Die.

The W.A.S.P. Morgue

Cenny Lendkvist has created this new W.A.S.P. page, and you can find realaudio files for new tracks from Kill Fuck Die.


Another new page, with some nice pictures

Murders In The New Morgue

Another new page, from England, with lots of pictures.

German W.A.S.P. Page

Here's a new page for those of you the sprechen ze Deutch (I know, I probably spelled that wrong)

Burn's Animal Page

Burn, the bass player for Randy Piper's band Animal, now has a web page where you can find out what's been going on with these guys.

Cecilia Fagerstroem's W.A.S.P. Page

Here's another great W.A.S.P. Page, from Sweden, with lots of pictures and a wonderful history of the band. Very well done, you must check this one out.

The Electric Circus

A new web page with some pictures and articles, still under construction.

Paja's Metal Page

Not much W.A.S.P. stuff yet, but more is expected soon.

The Neutron Bomber's W.A.S.P. Page

This web page from Sweden has Tabulature for several W.A.S.P. songs, something I know you guitar players have been looking for.

The Arena Of Pleasure

Here is another new W.A.S.P. Page for you to check out.

W.A.S.P. Page From Britain

Here's an older page which I don't think has been updated in a while. It has a nice history of the band up until prior to the release of Still Not Black Enough.

Official W.A.S.P. page at Castle Records US Website.

Well, there isn't much here yet. Let's hope that this site will be kept updated, unlike most official record company sponsored pages.

W.A.S.P. Warriors Web page

The French Fan Club's web page, worth checking out even if you don't speak French.

Hypertext for Beginners

Okay, so now you want to write your own web page, but you don't have a clue how hypertext works. Don't worry, just check this out and before you know it, you'll have java scripts falling out of your ass! (okay, so that is a slight exaggeration)

Repent, ye sinners!

For partaking of the musical blashemy that is W.A.S.P., your soul will burn for all eternity in the firey pits of hell! Rock and roll is the devil's music! Even so called Christian rock bands such as Stryper are the pawns of Satan! Embrace the love of Christ or know everlasting damnation! Thanks to for this link :)

W.A.S.P. on Usenet! is here! Now all of us sick and twisted W.A.S.P. fans have a place to discuss our favorite sexual perverts. If your news server doesn't carry it, request it be added by your sys admin. Come join the discussion today!

Hard Radio

Currently featuring Realaudio track from Kill Fuck Die! Do all of the radio stations in your town blow some serious dick? Well, fuck 'em! Technology has created a new alternative to the homogenized crap on the airwaves. Internet radio stations are starting to appear. For all of us headbangers out there, check out Hard Radio. The sound quality is only average right now if you have a 28.8 connection, but as ISDN and newer technologies start to become common, you can expect that CD quality audio will eventually become available.