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Hello Spooky Kids, one and all...
And you may ask yourself, why do we need a new Spooky Kids page? Hasn't it all been done before? Isn't it just rehashing old material that's been on the web for years? Well, the answer is that most of the early Manson pages on the net have long since gone away, and if it wasn't for archive.org, would be lost forever. While I was trying to find GrimJack's Misery Machine at spookykids.com, I saw that it had been taken over by one of those domain scalpers, but spookykids.net was still available. So I figured that I might as well try to compile everything I could about the Spooky Kids from all the various sources into one easy to remember page, and here it is.
This "Thanks" page is my way of giving credit where credit is due to all of the early pioneers, whether they are still around or not. I've been a Manson fan on the internet since 1995, and I watched these pages grow over the years, only to eventually fall into neglect as the webmasters moved on to other things. I'm sure many of them grew up, got out of school, got jobs, started families, etc. until they simply didn't have the time to devote to a maintaining a web page any more. Or maybe their pages that once started out as a hobby eventually became a full-time responsibility in their lives, until it just wasn't any fun any more.
GrimJack's Misery Machine One of the first and finest in its day.
Rudolf's Live & Rare Discography Still one of the best Manson discographies on the net.
Liddsville's Scrumdidlyumptios Satanic Love Revival The source of most of the flyers and newsletters
Songs of Golgotha - A discussion of Marilyn Manson lyrics
Gagfish No Spooky Kids content any more, but prior to '97 he used to a big trader on the Manson scene with some low generation copies of early demos.
Coyote's Spookhouse Another great source of info on the early days, although it hasn't been updated in a long time.
Church Of Anti-Christ Superstar Another early Manson page
Mansonography Yet another dead page.
Kobe Watkins Spooky Kids Flyers collection. The best collection of hi-res flyers I've seen yet.
Marilyn Manson Images Another good source of information on the evolution of the band.
Cape Manson An Italian page (now dead) which had several photos that can now be found in our pictures page.
MarilynManson.pl A Polish Manson page where I found some pictures and flyers.
MansonMachine.com A French page where I found some more pictures.
Spooky Kid Robert Pierce Robert is the kid that sings on My Monkey and his dad, Father Gothic, was a source of much information in the early Manson internet fan community. Several of the fliers here were swiped from his page, thanks!
Spooky Nate's Manson Discography More recent than Rudy's discog, but now hasn't been updated in a couple years.
Dezzy's Tour Date Archive Was possibly the most complete source of tour dates (note: link no longer functional)
1989 BCC Classmate (Nancy) who attended Broward Community College and worked with young Brian Warner on the school newspaper, The Observer. Thanks for the scans of some of his early articles!
DigiDistortions - for help and research with the discography
alt.music.marilynmanson In the old days, before we had message boards, we had usenet. Google keeps an archive of old posts here.
MansonUSA My favorite Manson page
The Heirophant Forums In my opinion, the best Manson forums on the web
New Model No.15 Another great source for Manson news
Marilyn-Manson.net Used to be one of the better fan pages out there, now mainly just a message board.
Bobby Suehs Collection A big Manson collector shows off his goodies
Threetongate.org Scott Putesky's personal home page for his post-Manson projects.
Gidget Gein has his own webpage with updates on his current art and music.
Thee Dali Gaggers Gidget's post-Spooky Kids band.